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The pictures on this site were made with the following instruments. They were classified according to lens aperture.

Mini Borg 60  LX200 254 et LC8O 400 Dobson T330

Short telescope Mini-Borg, D = 60mm, f/d = 5.5, set up on the Dobson 635mm. Has also been used with the Dobson 508mm of Tivoli, Namibia.

Telescope SC, Meade LX200, D = 254mm, f/d = 10, go-to. Mainly used at my observatory of Chabottes.

Telescope Dobson, D = 330mm, f/d = 4.5, personal design and construction Alain Maury, Installed at Space Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama.

Dobson T450 Dobson Obsession T508 Dobson Obsession T635
Telescope Dobson, D = 450mm, f/d = 4, personal design and construction Alain Maury, Space Obervatory, San Pedro de Atacama. Telescope Dobson, Obsession 20, D = 508mm, f/d = 5, installed at Tivoli Lodge, Namibia.

Telescope Dobson, Obsession 25, D = 635mm, f/d = 5, go-to, installed at my observatory of the Petit Telle, Alpes de Haute Provence..

  TN 1200 OHP  

Equatorial Telescope, D = 1200mm, mirror Foucault 1876, f/d = 6, installed under cupola at the Haute Provence Observatory